It was the most comprehensive policy on the topic ever held by the party - and it was developed and proposed by the West Midlands Liberal Democrats. Subsequently Vince Cable became business secretary.
A Notes with concern
that manufacturing has declined significantly as a share of the economy during
the period of the current and previous governments.
B Notes that this
has resulted in an increasing over-reliance on the financial services sector.
C Condemns the failures
in financial management under successive governments that have made many
businesses and employees victims of capital shortages and short-termism.
D Notes with
concern the ageing profile of skilled engineers in the UK and the risk of serious skills
E Acknowledges the
challenges facing manufacturers in developing ideas from concepts through to
commercial production.
F Recognises the
necessity of a diverse and revitalised engineering sector which is able to
embrace the opportunities presented by technological advances in materials,
processes and applications.
G Nevertheless
celebrates the innovation, creativity and resilience shown by the British
manufacturing sector which competes, and frequently leads, in the global
manufacturing market.
Conference believes that:
i) Manufacturing is
critical to creating a balanced economy and will remain an important source of
wealth creation.
ii) Increased
emphasis needs to be given to improving the quantity and quality of skills entering
the employment market.
iii) It is
necessary to build on the foundations of our engineering heritage by seeking to
create a sector in which skills move beyond the traditional, enabling us to
lead the world in cutting-edge manufacturing and products.
iv) Manufacturing
should be encouraged and supported to build the skills and capacity needed to
re-engineer the infrastructure of the UK as it makes the transition to a
low-carbon economy.
Conference welcomes the party's commitment, set out in policy
paper 92,
Thriving in a Globalised World, to:
a) Create a better
skilled and more flexible workforce by developing apprenticeships.
b) Spread economic
opportunities across the UK .
c) Promote research
and development.
Conference calls for the following steps to enable Britain
to rebuild a diverse manufacturing sector and support an entrepreneurial
1. The creation of
Local Enterprise Funds and Regional Stock Exchanges to provide equity finance
and facilitate development of ideas from concept into commercial products.
2. The focus of
government support and investment on markets of the future such as those
arising from the transition to a low carbon, green economy.
3. Formulation of
an integrated approach to the deployment of new technologies, combining
academic research and practical knowledge to create real-world products and
processes, generating global competitive
advantage for the sector.
4. Alignment of the
educational system with the needs of business to ensure the supply of the
relevant skills including facilitating co-operation between universities,
businesses and entrepreneurs.
5. Encouragement
and enabling of young people to learn employment and business skills by
removing unnecessary institutional and bureaucratic barriers to them taking
part-time paying jobs.
6. Empowerment of
local authorities to co-operate in regional or sub-regional economic groups to
create business support systems appropriate to the sectoral and local business
needs of their area.
7. The revival of the Co-operative Development Agency to
generate, with other relevant bodies, the customer and/or employee ownership of
viable businesses in the mutual sector especially manufacturing.
This Lib Dem campaign for manufacturing is of interest. Facebook link here